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Col-Spirit focuses on Colombian specialty coffee. That means fully traceable coffees with unique identities. Single origin, single farm.
Our coffee comes from different family farms, with partially more than 100 years of tradition and experience. Families that want to show the world their great coffee, but don't have the resources to pursue their dream. That is why we buy the coffee straight from the farm far above market price. We don't use intermediaries, cooperatives and coffee agencies who just take care of their own needs.
We educate farmers, with workshops on how to improve the process of picking, selecting, washing and drying.
Our coffee is always cupped and profiled to assure that our customers get the best Colombian coffee.

Story of Col-Spirit




We have single origin, single farm, single variety. Our coffee is 100% traceable and has the highest processing standards.  We buy directly from the farm, no intermediaries.


Coffee quality depends on many factors, starting from growing the plant, picking the bean, processing, milling and shipping to the roaster. We analyse every step and find different ways to improve constantly, because the only way to produce the best Colombian coffee is to education the farmers and ourselves.


We consider that the direct connection Col-Spirit provides between farmers and roasters is an essential service, that leads to strategic partnerships and growth.

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