Col-Spirit focuses on Colombian specialty coffee. That means fully traceable coffees with unique identities. Single origin, single farm.
Our coffee comes from different family farms, with partially more than 100 years of tradition and experience. Families that want to show the world their great coffee, but don't have the resources to pursue their dream. That is why we buy the coffee straight from the farm far above market price. We don't use intermediaries, cooperatives and coffee agencies who just take care of their own needs.
We educate farmers, with workshops on how to improve the process of picking, selecting, washing and drying.
Our coffee is always cupped and profiled to assure that our customers get the best Colombian coffee.


Co-Founder, Managing & Sales Director Born and raised in Germany, he pursued a professional sports career and worked as project manager and sales executive in the chemical industry. Then he moved to the United States to study his Master in International Business. During that time, he established his connections to Latin America, which led him to the idea of connecting the upcoming movement of high quality specialty roasters in Germany with the highest quality coffee farms in Colombia

Co-Founder, Country and Marketing Director. Born and raised in Colombia, Maria Mercedes life was surrounded by coffee. Her granddad not only had a coffee farm, but worked 35 years for the Colombian Coffee Federation. Maria studied her Master in International Marketing in the United States and it was during this time that she decided to go back to Colombia to help coffee families (like hers) to bring coffee to the next level. The only way to achieve the highest quality is by paying fair prices

Dumar is the farm administrator at Finca La Cristalina. He is in charge of the quality control at the farm, mainly focus on the picking of the coffee. He is also in change of our wash process at this farm.

Lab Manager. David is not only passionate about coffee, but an expert on his field. He has more than 2 years of experience with specialty coffees and field experiments. David is in charge of measuring the quality of the coffee as soon as it is picked from the tree, and the cup profile the coffee has.

Rafael is in charge of making the connection between farmers and Colombian Spirit. He is our person on the ground visiting farms and listening to stories. He finds the farmers that fits us, so we can expand and make a greater impact.

Sales Manager in Spain. Daniela is a Colombian living in Spain, her passion is coffee, photography and hikes. Daniela and Maria Mercedes share the same vision, they want to show the world the best Colombian coffee, and at the same time teach the coffee growers better practices for having a sustainable way of living. Daniela worked in several social causes, and that is one of the reasons why she decided to focus on helping the people that really needs it, the farmers in Colombia.

Ezequiel is the farm administrator at the processing station of Colombian Spirit. He helps with our naturals andhoneys.
We have single origin, single farm, single variety. Our coffee is 100% traceable and has the highest processing standards. We buy directly from the farm, no intermediaries.
Coffee quality depends on many factors, starting from growing the plant, picking the bean, processing, milling and shipping to the roaster. We analyse every step and find different ways to improve constantly, because the only way to produce the best Colombian coffee is to education the farmers and ourselves.
We consider that the direct connection Col-Spirit provides between farmers and roasters is an essential service, that leads to strategic partnerships and growth.